Separation of seven colleges from DU was long overdue

There is no easy way to characterise the crisis emanating from the re-affiliation of Dhaka-based seven colleges with Dhaka University, or the decision for their "respectful separation" on Monday. It has been a messy affair through and through—the de-affiliation is meant to resolve an issue that shouldn't have arisen in the first place, and it now potentially ushers in another period of uncertainty not unlike the chaotic buildup to this moment. So, while we welcome the long-overdue decision—following years of student protests and administrative struggles—we must also acknowledge that the road ahead is anything but simple.
But before addressing the future, we must ask why those in authority always seem to see reason only after protests and such extreme measures. Why are critical educational decisions taken in haste and without proper considerations? That the re-affiliation with DU—which was in charge of the colleges before the National University (NU) took over in 1992 and managed them until 2017—was a flawed move was no secret. For eight years, college students have suffered as DU, already burdened with its own challenges, failed to handle the additional pressure. The result was increased session jams, delays in exam schedules, inconsistent grading, and growing frustration among students. What then took the authorities so long to separate them? The students' resistance to any reintegration with NU is also understandable, as it would be a step backward rather than forward.
What should happen, then? The UGC is reportedly considering "various models" for a separate university or institution combining the seven colleges—an endeavour that requires time, resources, and careful planning. Finding a solution that serves both students and the nation in general will not be easy, given the many complexities involved. Some of the colleges currently offer higher secondary education—will they be separated from the new university? Faculty members in these colleges are recruited under the BCS education cadre—will they continue under the existing structure, or will a new recruitment policy be developed? Moreover, while it has been decided that new college students from the 2025 session will no longer be under DU, it is unclear who will oversee their academic and administrative affairs. And what about the certificates for students graduating in the next few years? These are critical issues that cannot be resolved overnight.
So, while the mistake of DU re-affiliation has now been corrected, its consequences will continue to unfold for years. The authorities, therefore, must ensure that the transition is handled with utmost care and foresight. Rushed or poorly-thought-out measures in the face of renewed ultimatums will only create new problems, perpetuating the cycle of discontent and disruptions.