The Street View

For stability, holding the national election should be prioritised

For stability, holding the national election should be prioritised
The competitive nature of local politics, often driven by major political parties, frequently turns local elections into battlegrounds. FILE PHOTO: STAR

The debate surrounding the timing of local government elections in Bangladesh has intensified in recent weeks, with some advocating for holding them before the national election. Doing so, however, may not lead to more harm than good, as organising and completing local elections could delay the national election, which may further deteriorate the country's already fragile law and order situation and its political instability.

One of the most pressing concerns is the time and logistical complexity of conducting local elections. With over 4,500 union parishads, municipalities and city corporations across the country, the process would take approximately one and a half years to complete. That would inevitably push back the national elections, leaving citizens waiting even longer to elect a new government. Considering Bangladesh's current situation, such a delay could be dangerous: it risks disillusioning voters, prolonging an already tense political situation, and extending the period during which the unelected interim government remains in power.

Furthermore, local elections in Bangladesh have historically been plagued by violence and unrest. The competitive nature of local politics, often driven by major political parties, frequently turns these elections into battlegrounds, where violence is more of an expectation than an exception. Party-backed candidates, eager to assert control over local resources and power, often resort to muscle power, intimidation, and financial influence to secure victory. Given the current volatile political environment, it seems unlikely that this trend will change.

Therefore, holding local elections now, before the national election, would place additional strain on the already overburdened law enforcement agencies who are struggling to improve the law and order situation across the country. Bangladesh is already in the midst of a prolonged political crisis. Citizens have been deprived of their right to vote for over a decade, with elections in 2014, 2018 and 2024 either boycotted or contested by the opposition amid accusations of voter suppression and unfair practices. If local elections are allowed to take precedence, it would be a dereliction of duty to the people who have waited far too long for a fair and transparent national election.

Moreover, the interim government is not mandated to oversee local elections. Its primary responsibility is to conduct parliamentary elections, which are the only legitimate way for the people to restore democratic legitimacy. Prioritising local elections before national elections risks undermining the role of the interim government and further delaying the democratic process.

The deep structural issues facing Bangladesh's local government system must also be addressed. The country's local governance framework is dysfunctional at best and entirely ineffectual at worst. Bangladesh has a multi-tier system of local government—comprising district, upazila, and union councils, along with municipalilties and city corporations—which theoretically should allow for robust local governance. In reality, however, these institutions have been reduced to ceremonial bodies with little real power. Local governments should ideally be self-governing, capable of managing resources, delivering services, and addressing the needs of their communities. Instead, they are often rendered powerless due to the centralisation of authority in Dhaka.

This centralisation, where bureaucrats frequently control local councils, has stunted the development of local governments and their capacity to serve citizens effectively. Essential services that should be delivered at the community level, such as healthcare, education and infrastructure, are often delayed, disrupted or simply remain unavailable. Although elections are held every five years, the imposition of unelected officials and the central government's pervasive control over local councils frequently lead to a breakdown in local governance.

The root cause of this dysfunction lies in the vested interests of major political parties, who fear that empowering local governments would erode their control over the population. Over time, local governments have become tools for political patronage, used to secure votes and political support for national elections. This manipulation of local government, coupled with entrenched corruption and weak institutions, has made the prospect of free and fair local elections an anathema to the political establishment.

There is no doubt that local governments must be empowered and freed from political interference. However, just holding local elections is not enough. It must be ensured that local governance bodies have the autonomy, resources, and authority to serve their communities effectively. Empowering local governments is not only necessary for improving governance but also for upholding the moral obligation enshrined in Bangladesh's constitution, which mandates elected representatives with local governance. The continuation of centralised power is a violation of this principle and undermines the democratic foundations of the nation.

Given that the major political parties in Bangladesh have promised to focus on national governance and reconciliation, it may be more judicious to hold local government elections after the parliamentary election is concluded. This would allow the formation of a stable national government, thereby reducing tensions related to local elections. The priority should be to stabilise the national political environment. Besides, the people of Bangladesh have waited long enough to vote, and the longer they are deprived of this right, the greater the risk of deepening social and political discontent.

While local governance is critical for ensuring effective and accountable government, holding local elections before national elections would only delay the democratic process and worsen political instability. Bangladesh cannot afford to sacrifice the national election process for the sake of local elections. The national election must be held first, followed by the empowerment of local governments in a manner that ensures peace and stability.

Mohammad Al-Masum Molla is a political commentator. He can be reached at

Views expressed in this article are the author's own.

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For stability, holding the national election should be prioritised

For stability, holding the national election should be prioritised
The competitive nature of local politics, often driven by major political parties, frequently turns local elections into battlegrounds. FILE PHOTO: STAR

The debate surrounding the timing of local government elections in Bangladesh has intensified in recent weeks, with some advocating for holding them before the national election. Doing so, however, may not lead to more harm than good, as organising and completing local elections could delay the national election, which may further deteriorate the country's already fragile law and order situation and its political instability.

One of the most pressing concerns is the time and logistical complexity of conducting local elections. With over 4,500 union parishads, municipalities and city corporations across the country, the process would take approximately one and a half years to complete. That would inevitably push back the national elections, leaving citizens waiting even longer to elect a new government. Considering Bangladesh's current situation, such a delay could be dangerous: it risks disillusioning voters, prolonging an already tense political situation, and extending the period during which the unelected interim government remains in power.

Furthermore, local elections in Bangladesh have historically been plagued by violence and unrest. The competitive nature of local politics, often driven by major political parties, frequently turns these elections into battlegrounds, where violence is more of an expectation than an exception. Party-backed candidates, eager to assert control over local resources and power, often resort to muscle power, intimidation, and financial influence to secure victory. Given the current volatile political environment, it seems unlikely that this trend will change.

Therefore, holding local elections now, before the national election, would place additional strain on the already overburdened law enforcement agencies who are struggling to improve the law and order situation across the country. Bangladesh is already in the midst of a prolonged political crisis. Citizens have been deprived of their right to vote for over a decade, with elections in 2014, 2018 and 2024 either boycotted or contested by the opposition amid accusations of voter suppression and unfair practices. If local elections are allowed to take precedence, it would be a dereliction of duty to the people who have waited far too long for a fair and transparent national election.

Moreover, the interim government is not mandated to oversee local elections. Its primary responsibility is to conduct parliamentary elections, which are the only legitimate way for the people to restore democratic legitimacy. Prioritising local elections before national elections risks undermining the role of the interim government and further delaying the democratic process.

The deep structural issues facing Bangladesh's local government system must also be addressed. The country's local governance framework is dysfunctional at best and entirely ineffectual at worst. Bangladesh has a multi-tier system of local government—comprising district, upazila, and union councils, along with municipalilties and city corporations—which theoretically should allow for robust local governance. In reality, however, these institutions have been reduced to ceremonial bodies with little real power. Local governments should ideally be self-governing, capable of managing resources, delivering services, and addressing the needs of their communities. Instead, they are often rendered powerless due to the centralisation of authority in Dhaka.

This centralisation, where bureaucrats frequently control local councils, has stunted the development of local governments and their capacity to serve citizens effectively. Essential services that should be delivered at the community level, such as healthcare, education and infrastructure, are often delayed, disrupted or simply remain unavailable. Although elections are held every five years, the imposition of unelected officials and the central government's pervasive control over local councils frequently lead to a breakdown in local governance.

The root cause of this dysfunction lies in the vested interests of major political parties, who fear that empowering local governments would erode their control over the population. Over time, local governments have become tools for political patronage, used to secure votes and political support for national elections. This manipulation of local government, coupled with entrenched corruption and weak institutions, has made the prospect of free and fair local elections an anathema to the political establishment.

There is no doubt that local governments must be empowered and freed from political interference. However, just holding local elections is not enough. It must be ensured that local governance bodies have the autonomy, resources, and authority to serve their communities effectively. Empowering local governments is not only necessary for improving governance but also for upholding the moral obligation enshrined in Bangladesh's constitution, which mandates elected representatives with local governance. The continuation of centralised power is a violation of this principle and undermines the democratic foundations of the nation.

Given that the major political parties in Bangladesh have promised to focus on national governance and reconciliation, it may be more judicious to hold local government elections after the parliamentary election is concluded. This would allow the formation of a stable national government, thereby reducing tensions related to local elections. The priority should be to stabilise the national political environment. Besides, the people of Bangladesh have waited long enough to vote, and the longer they are deprived of this right, the greater the risk of deepening social and political discontent.

While local governance is critical for ensuring effective and accountable government, holding local elections before national elections would only delay the democratic process and worsen political instability. Bangladesh cannot afford to sacrifice the national election process for the sake of local elections. The national election must be held first, followed by the empowerment of local governments in a manner that ensures peace and stability.

Mohammad Al-Masum Molla is a political commentator. He can be reached at

Views expressed in this article are the author's own.

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