A deep dive into the ICJ hearings on climate change and state responsibilities.
The distribution of benefits is unequal between buyers and sellers.
Paradoxically, Bangladesh is also regarded by many as a test case of sustainable development.
She alleges that the development paradigm still reflects the colonial framework of power relationships.
Bangladesh, as the host, has many lessons to share
“The time to take action to save the planet is not tomorrow, but today.”
Bangladesh can bank on the decision of renewable and energy efficiency.
Public financing from developed countries will never be sufficient.
Bangladesh is regarded globally as one of the most vulnerable countries to climate change impacts.
The 26th United Nations Climate Change Conference (COP26) ended on November 13, 2021, a day after the scheduled date of closing.
The recently-published report of Working Group-I of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) is a renewed wakeup call on the urgency of taking action at the global level to address climate change.
The title of this article has been borrowed from an on-line discussion organised by the Policy Research Institute on June 20, 2021. I was a panelist at the event, which some current and former World Bank officials had participated in, together with most of the famous environmental experts of Bangladesh.
In a desperate move to inoculate from Covid-19, we are witnessing a kind of vaccine nationalism worldwide, which has manifested in a race to procure vaccine doses, particularly by those having the means and power to do so.
What will Bangladesh look like in 2050? A layman’s projection allows us to draw a picture of its basic parameters. In terms of population, Bangladesh can reach a number of 230-240 million, with an average growth rate of 1.2 percent/year.
Covid-19 has hit all countries of the world, both rich and poor, but the low income countries (LICs) are hit hardest, and half of them are at high risk of or are already in debt distress.
Recently, quite a number of reports have been published in both national and foreign media outlets about how two healthcare providers in Bangladesh issued fake Covid-19 certificates. Obviously, the negative coverage has tarnished the image of our nation abroad.
Coronavirus is razing the world to the ground, continuing to claim human lives—the latest count exceeds well over 200,000, with the number of infected running over three million.
Beginning in Decem-ber in China’s Wuhan City, the highly infectious COVID-19 has crossed boundaries and oceans with supersonic speed.