The recent launch of Apple's iPhone 15 Pro and Pro Max has set the tech world abuzz, and for good reason. While the device is teeming with top-tier features, it is the camera that truly commands attention. Offering a set of functionalities that can rival some professional cameras, Apple's latest offering is not just an incremental upgrade; it's a significant leap forward from its predecessors, particularly the iPhone 14 Pro.
And thus, we invite our readers to embark on the next exhilarating journey with Tech & Startup!
The sun may set, but the journey never truly ends. Stay tuned for our next adventure!
Samsung's latest flagship, the Galaxy S23 Ultra, takes centre stage as a powerful contender in the smartphone market. While some might argue that the design changes are subtle and the price tag is on the higher side, there's no denying that this device excels in certain key areas, especially when it comes to photography.
To our readers, thank you for your unwavering support and loyalty. We invite you to join us in embracing this new beginning and be a part of the exciting journey that lies ahead. Together, let us explore the endless possibilities that technology and startups offer, celebrating the innovative spirit that drives us all.
Huawei, the multinational technology corporation, has recently completed 25 years in Bangladesh. The organisation held a celebration event on 20 July, where they thanked their partners and stakeholders for years of support.
This article provides a comprehensive guide on how organisations can safeguard their data, secure their employees' information, prevent cyber attacks, and respond effectively in case of a breach.
With that, let’s join hands in hopes of a brighter future. Keep in mind that everytime the sun sets, the promise of a better tomorrow awaits. A new journey is always right around the corner.
Since the debut of the country's first-ever artificial intelligence news presenter named 'Aparajita', there has been a raging debate regarding whether AI news presenters will take over the job of human news presenters in Bangladesh.
A new ransomware-as-a-service called SophosEncrypt is impersonating cybersecurity giant Sophos, using the company name for its malicious activities.
The Linux-based operating system openKylin was built by about 4,000 developers. The OS is currently used in China's space programmes, as well as the country's finance and energy industries.
The recent launch of Apple's iPhone 15 Pro and Pro Max has set the tech world abuzz, and for good reason. While the device is teeming with top-tier features, it is the camera that truly commands attention. Offering a set of functionalities that can rival some professional cameras, Apple's latest offering is not just an incremental upgrade; it's a significant leap forward from its predecessors, particularly the iPhone 14 Pro.
To our readers, thank you for your unwavering support and loyalty. We invite you to join us in embracing this new beginning and be a part of the exciting journey that lies ahead. Together, let us explore the endless possibilities that technology and startups offer, celebrating the innovative spirit that drives us all.
Samsung's latest flagship, the Galaxy S23 Ultra, takes centre stage as a powerful contender in the smartphone market. While some might argue that the design changes are subtle and the price tag is on the higher side, there's no denying that this device excels in certain key areas, especially when it comes to photography.
And thus, we invite our readers to embark on the next exhilarating journey with Tech & Startup!
The sun may set, but the journey never truly ends. Stay tuned for our next adventure!
Huawei, the multinational technology corporation, has recently completed 25 years in Bangladesh. The organisation held a celebration event on 20 July, where they thanked their partners and stakeholders for years of support.
This article provides a comprehensive guide on how organisations can safeguard their data, secure their employees' information, prevent cyber attacks, and respond effectively in case of a breach.
With that, let’s join hands in hopes of a brighter future. Keep in mind that everytime the sun sets, the promise of a better tomorrow awaits. A new journey is always right around the corner.
Since the debut of the country's first-ever artificial intelligence news presenter named 'Aparajita', there has been a raging debate regarding whether AI news presenters will take over the job of human news presenters in Bangladesh.
A new ransomware-as-a-service called SophosEncrypt is impersonating cybersecurity giant Sophos, using the company name for its malicious activities.