Radhika Apte, renowned for her diverse roles in films, tends to keep her personal life out of the public eye. Recently, she surprised her followers by posting the first photo of her one-week-old baby to announce her journey into motherhood.
Following its debut at the 67th BFI London Film Festival in 2023, the Kareena Kapoor Khan starrer much-awaited film “The Buckingham Murders” is gearing up for its Indian theatrical release this September. Last Tuesday, the filmmakers released a teaser for the gripping crime thriller, featuring Kareena Kapoor as a detective unravelling the mystery behind a child's murder.
Radhika Apte, renowned for her diverse roles in films, tends to keep her personal life out of the public eye. Recently, she surprised her followers by posting the first photo of her one-week-old baby to announce her journey into motherhood.
Following its debut at the 67th BFI London Film Festival in 2023, the Kareena Kapoor Khan starrer much-awaited film “The Buckingham Murders” is gearing up for its Indian theatrical release this September. Last Tuesday, the filmmakers released a teaser for the gripping crime thriller, featuring Kareena Kapoor as a detective unravelling the mystery behind a child's murder.