“Christopher Nolan’s next film ‘The Odyssey’ is a mythic action epic shot across the world using groundbreaking IMAX film technology,” the studio stated. “For the first time, Homer’s foundational saga will be brought to IMAX screens, debuting worldwide on July 17, 2026.”
Oscar-winning filmmaker Christopher Nolan and his wife, producer Emma Thomas, are often seen as the epitome of a power couple. The pair first crossed paths at University College London, bonding over their mutual passion for film.
Following the massive success of “Oppenheimer”, Nolan is expected to begin filming the new movie in the first half of 2025. For Pattinson, 2025 is shaping up to be a busy year, with Warner Bros planning to film a sequel to “The Batman”, where he’ll reprise his role as the DC superhero.
Zendaya and Anne Hathaway are officially on board for Christopher Nolan’s next big project under the banner of Universal, joining a stellar cast that already includes Tom Holland and Matt Damon.
Tom Holland is set for a packed schedule in 2025. According to The Hollywood Reporter, the actor has joined Christopher Nolan's upcoming project, which he will balance alongside filming the much-anticipated “Spider-Man 4”.
DC's iconic superhero Batman is all set to create history by becoming the first superhero with a star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame. Batman's star will be at 6764 Hollywood Boulevard in front of The Hollywood Guinness World Records Museum on September 26, reported Billboard.
Bollywood actress Kangana Ranaut is generating buzz with her upcoming film “Emergency”, in which she portrays former Indian prime minister Indira Gandhi. During a recent interview with India Today, Ranaut made a bold comparison, likening her film to Christopher Nolan's acclaimed “Oppenheimer” and even describing it as a modern-day Shakespearean tragedy akin to “Macbeth”.
Film director Christopher Nolan and producer Emma Thomas, the long-time collaborators in filmmaking and life, are to receive knighthood and damehood, respectively.
In a pleasantly surprising move, Star Cineplex is all set to screen two previous blockbusters helmed by famed director Christopher Nolan this very month. Star Cineplex’s official website reveals that films “The Dark Knight” (2008) and “Interstellar” (2014) are scheduled to be screened starting March 19.
“Christopher Nolan’s next film ‘The Odyssey’ is a mythic action epic shot across the world using groundbreaking IMAX film technology,” the studio stated. “For the first time, Homer’s foundational saga will be brought to IMAX screens, debuting worldwide on July 17, 2026.”
Oscar-winning filmmaker Christopher Nolan and his wife, producer Emma Thomas, are often seen as the epitome of a power couple. The pair first crossed paths at University College London, bonding over their mutual passion for film.
Following the massive success of “Oppenheimer”, Nolan is expected to begin filming the new movie in the first half of 2025. For Pattinson, 2025 is shaping up to be a busy year, with Warner Bros planning to film a sequel to “The Batman”, where he’ll reprise his role as the DC superhero.
Zendaya and Anne Hathaway are officially on board for Christopher Nolan’s next big project under the banner of Universal, joining a stellar cast that already includes Tom Holland and Matt Damon.
Tom Holland is set for a packed schedule in 2025. According to The Hollywood Reporter, the actor has joined Christopher Nolan's upcoming project, which he will balance alongside filming the much-anticipated “Spider-Man 4”.
DC's iconic superhero Batman is all set to create history by becoming the first superhero with a star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame. Batman's star will be at 6764 Hollywood Boulevard in front of The Hollywood Guinness World Records Museum on September 26, reported Billboard.
Bollywood actress Kangana Ranaut is generating buzz with her upcoming film “Emergency”, in which she portrays former Indian prime minister Indira Gandhi. During a recent interview with India Today, Ranaut made a bold comparison, likening her film to Christopher Nolan's acclaimed “Oppenheimer” and even describing it as a modern-day Shakespearean tragedy akin to “Macbeth”.
Film director Christopher Nolan and producer Emma Thomas, the long-time collaborators in filmmaking and life, are to receive knighthood and damehood, respectively.
In a pleasantly surprising move, Star Cineplex is all set to screen two previous blockbusters helmed by famed director Christopher Nolan this very month. Star Cineplex’s official website reveals that films “The Dark Knight” (2008) and “Interstellar” (2014) are scheduled to be screened starting March 19.
The grandest night in Hollywood was filled with stars steering a bit too clear from pressing political issues, unlike previous years.