Malayalam actor Fahadh Faasil is set to make his Bollywood debut. Having gained worldwide recognition for his performances in “Pushpa: The Rise” and “Pushpa 2: The Rule,” this Southern star is now ready to showcase his acting prowess in India’s biggest film industry.
Winter tends to mark the arrival of the concert season, with November and December bringing a host of live music events both in Dhaka and beyond. This year is no different, as a concert titled “The Capital” is set to light up the stage on November 15, showcasing performances by 10 bands from around the country.
A major concert is set to electrify Dhaka this weekend, showcasing a stellar lineup of the nation’s top bands, including Carnival, Meghdol, and Shironamhin, among others.
“I don’t know how else we can help a nation that is repeatedly being wronged other than through our art,” said Ahmed Hasan Sunny, a rising star in the music industry. “We’ve remained an audience, helpless after seeing bombs dropped on civilians, hospitals and innocent children in Gaza. We decided to do something about it.” The young artiste took the challenge to organise a concert in support of Gaza’s hand-in-hand with artist Morshed Mishu, who was already planning to make graffiti to speak up for the oppressed people of Gaza.
The concert was a joyful mix of youth, music, and enjoyment as visitors swayed and danced with the performances on stage.
Improving road and railway connectivity is crucial for reaping the benefits of Padma Bridge.
Even before implementing the toll rate previously fixed for Dhaka-Mawa-Bhanga Expressway, the government is planning to increase it, a move that will push up transport costs.
The number of homebound people on Dhaka-Aricha and Nabinagar-Chandra highways in Savar increased this noon. However, the number of vehicles did not.
There was a 40km-long tailback on Dhaka-Tangail highway yesterday due to ongoing road expansion work, traffic bottlenecks, poor road condition, and high number of vehicles during the weekend.
Malayalam actor Fahadh Faasil is set to make his Bollywood debut. Having gained worldwide recognition for his performances in “Pushpa: The Rise” and “Pushpa 2: The Rule,” this Southern star is now ready to showcase his acting prowess in India’s biggest film industry.
Winter tends to mark the arrival of the concert season, with November and December bringing a host of live music events both in Dhaka and beyond. This year is no different, as a concert titled “The Capital” is set to light up the stage on November 15, showcasing performances by 10 bands from around the country.
A major concert is set to electrify Dhaka this weekend, showcasing a stellar lineup of the nation’s top bands, including Carnival, Meghdol, and Shironamhin, among others.
“I don’t know how else we can help a nation that is repeatedly being wronged other than through our art,” said Ahmed Hasan Sunny, a rising star in the music industry. “We’ve remained an audience, helpless after seeing bombs dropped on civilians, hospitals and innocent children in Gaza. We decided to do something about it.” The young artiste took the challenge to organise a concert in support of Gaza’s hand-in-hand with artist Morshed Mishu, who was already planning to make graffiti to speak up for the oppressed people of Gaza.
The concert was a joyful mix of youth, music, and enjoyment as visitors swayed and danced with the performances on stage.
Improving road and railway connectivity is crucial for reaping the benefits of Padma Bridge.
Even before implementing the toll rate previously fixed for Dhaka-Mawa-Bhanga Expressway, the government is planning to increase it, a move that will push up transport costs.
The number of homebound people on Dhaka-Aricha and Nabinagar-Chandra highways in Savar increased this noon. However, the number of vehicles did not.
There was a 40km-long tailback on Dhaka-Tangail highway yesterday due to ongoing road expansion work, traffic bottlenecks, poor road condition, and high number of vehicles during the weekend.
The increasing pressure of a huge number of vehicles carrying Eid holidaymakers creates havoc on Shimulia-Kawrakandi route in Munshiganj and Dhaka-Tangail highway.