Bangladeshi migrant workers in Malaysia should be able to enjoy the fruits of their hard labour.
A classic case of monumental corruption took place in Bangladesh centring the recruitment of workers for the Malaysian labour market.
The prejudiced Indian intellectual elite and the media outlets’ hypocrisy is palpable by their collective silence about the atrocities committed by AL and law enforcement agencies.
The July massacre has brought the credibility of this regime into question.
On that evening, the student activists were scheduled to brief the media about the ongoing movement.
Bangladeshi migrant workers require a range of services and support at both the origin and destination ends.
Bereft of the basic rights to assemble and express, let alone protest, the people of Bangladesh are currently bearing the brunt of the coercive apparatuses of the state.
Killing of civilians along the Bangladesh-India border by India’s Border Security Force (BSF) has plagued the bilateral relations between the two countries for decades.
Bangladeshi migrant workers in Malaysia should be able to enjoy the fruits of their hard labour.
A classic case of monumental corruption took place in Bangladesh centring the recruitment of workers for the Malaysian labour market.
The prejudiced Indian intellectual elite and the media outlets’ hypocrisy is palpable by their collective silence about the atrocities committed by AL and law enforcement agencies.
The July massacre has brought the credibility of this regime into question.
On that evening, the student activists were scheduled to brief the media about the ongoing movement.
Bangladeshi migrant workers require a range of services and support at both the origin and destination ends.
Bereft of the basic rights to assemble and express, let alone protest, the people of Bangladesh are currently bearing the brunt of the coercive apparatuses of the state.
Killing of civilians along the Bangladesh-India border by India’s Border Security Force (BSF) has plagued the bilateral relations between the two countries for decades.
Near absence of an affordable and accessible healthcare arrangement in the Gulf states has led many workers to rely on self-medication, often consuming expired medicines brought from home by themselves and their peers.
As the government came under international scrutiny for curtailing freedom of expression, the question of child exploitation became the rallying point.